Introduction,  Life

Why I started blogging

Hey lovelies,

I have been asked recently why I started blogging and what I would like to happen with my blog.

Honestly I wanted to start a blog so I could write about the things that make me happy and inspire me. Which is obviously beauty, fashion and lifestyle content; hopefully interest others to start a dissuasion and share their opinions and interest with me. I also started blogging because I was bored.

I have always loved writing, be it creative or even an essay. Most of my friends always ask me for beauty and fashion advice, and I thought why not just put it all in one place that they can read. And they can leave questions and comments about what the would like to see.

It is my hope that my blog reaches others and that more people can can see my writing, and enjoy it as much s I do.

This is why I started my blog. I get to be apart of this amazing community that is blogging.

Ask me a beauty or fashion question. What would you all like to see?
